Facial Acupuncture methods have been used for centuries in Asia as a therapy to achieve younger-looking skin,
This is called 'Facial Rejuvenation' or 'Cosmetic Acupuncture' in the West.
Using extremely fine needles along lines and wrinkles, collagen and elastin production are increased and subsequent cell regeneration improves skin appearance. Similar to ‘flattening out’ facial lines that come with renewed skin growth. This treatment requires specialised training and I am qualified in Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation from Beijing, China.
Traditionally favoured by Chinese royalty and the affluent, it is known in the West as a safe (and more affordable!) alternative to facelift surgery and other cosmetic procedures. Along with other TCM methods, it improves energy, general health and well-being through releasing stress and improving nutrient circulation.
Cosmetic Acupuncture, Needles
Cosmetic Acupuncture, Microneedles
Cosmetic Acupuncture, Microneedles
Cosmetic Acupuncture, Needles
Smooths wrinkles and age lines
Softens puffy eyes
Improves skin tone and definition
Benefits cheek and jowl drooping
Increases blood circulation and chi near the skin surface.
Boosts confidence - when you look good you feel good!
1 - 2 sessions per week for 3 - 6 weeks
Longer sessions booked in advance at £30 - £50 each
Scar Treatment
In a similar way, micro-needling can benefit surgical scars and burn marks.
Scar tissue is broken down, promoting the body’s healing response, which is to increase collagen production 2-10 x, replacing with smooth skin tissue in the correct alignment.
A common problem I have helped with is in the recovery and appearance of the ‘bikini cut’ in caesarean sections.
This is followed up at home with moxibustion and keloid or silicone gel daily for 2 weeks or so.